To get Data that matters, you need Experience that matters.
WolfTrac delivers insightful, independent, and real-time data to inform your strategic decision making. Our experienced, independent analysts specialize in the heavy equipment industry. Their professional reports and objective analyses benefit OEMs, private equity firms, research houses, business owners, and anyone else who needs unbiased market information to thrive. Reports and services can also be customized to address your individual needs and concerns.
Because we focus on heavy equipment distributors, WolfTrac's accurate and timely data adds precision to every decision that impacts the direction and profitability of your organization. From identifying and tracking changes to analyzing changes in major trends, our reports help you explore countless "what if" scenarios and find new or expanded opportunities for growth.
WolfTrac invites you to participate in the monthly studies whose results form the basis for their bi-monthly reports. Respondents are guaranteed 100% confidentiality and receive free reports that share what others in the industry are saying. Learn more about this opportunity!
With over 15 years of experience in qualitative and quantitative research, we know exactly what to ask every month when we conduct primary research with distributors, manufacturers, and end-users.
We also follow up on responses when surprising data points are shared to learn more about their context.
All WolfTrac reports provide fresh, concise, real-time data about major industry trends. We consistently monitor key factors such as demand, technology, pricing, and outlook.
Results are reported six times per year, ensuring your most important decisions are insightful, impartial and focused on successful results.